The use of the face recognition boxes makes you look in those designated areas
and not initially the bodies of the girls. This makes it socially acceptable, the girls are looking
back and they know that they are being watched.

All artists were men at the time. They painted nudes during this era. The paintings
were mainly aimed at men, hence the naked women. THE NUDE ERA
Women are naturally more beautiful and worthy of artistic study.
This art era was to justify men 'perving' on women. It was like porn but allowed
them to look without judgement and retain their class and power. Its more of
a male fantasy of the female body.
The woman in the painting looks docile and passive. This is how people
think women should be. - Subservience to the male. She is a sexual object.
She has been painted like she knows she's been looked at and enjoying it.
Underlying male domination theme. - male fantasy. Making the woman out
to be really vain.
Katie price is a good example. She's stupid and vain and is publicized to the media
as a bit of slut. She is easily dominated and acts how men want women to act
she is an abject of lust for males.

This was a very popular painting at the time and was more accepted than the painting below.
The women is passive and there is no confrontation. Men can look upon this painting
without being challenged. The women in the painting is quite flirtatious its like she wants
you to look but doesn't at the same time. This is not based in reality and is about the godess of love

This painting caused much controversy. The gaze is met in this painting creating confrontation
she is obviously covering up her nether regions. She is pretty much a sexual object in this painting
She is meant to be a prostitute which is a big difference to the painting above. The woman in
this image has more power. Men pay to be with her she has the power essentially. This made
people feel uncomfortable and challenges the viewer. Essentially this is reality and it scared
men, this painting was banned from the salon.
This painting is much more passive and calm, its quite flirtatious, she's almost
playing with her self. She gazes back at the viewer, it seems okay to look at her.
This is about female servility, a sexual fantasy for men. The maid looking after the house
whilst the woman waits for her husband. The dog signifies loyalty - mans best friend.
This magazine has been made by men for men. Making women out to be mens sexual objects.
The women are depicted as very passive and objectified for men. They have gone to extremes
here, they have made it out like men control women and they should do as the man wants.
Its a mans world.
In todays world the media has made it so woman are very conscious, Celebrities seem to be the leaders
women are constantly scrutinised everyday, they see examples of the perfect women everyday.
They have to live up to mens expectations. What men want from women, what they should look like.
Wonderbra Advert
The advert is aimed at women and men, she is depicted in a sexual manner
it is quite flirtatious, she knows she is being looked at. It reflects an assertive femininity
She cant cook who cares, she's still a super model she doesn't care - this could be
seductive to women, women can relate to this as there is this notion of power.
Also aimed at men as she's seducing men to buy their woman a bra.
The bras is being sold using the woman as a sex object to men or a roll model
to women
Part 2
The Gaze - The objectification of Women
Sexuality not based on equality but patriarcal
Fem = Submissive / Passive
Mas = Dominant / Active
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