Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Renaisance, Printing and Thinking

When Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1445, he forever changed the lives of people in Europe and, eventually, all over the world. Previously, bookmaking entailed copying all the words and illustrations by hand. Often the copying had been done onto parchment, animal skin that had been scraped until it was clean, smooth, and thin. The labor that went into creating them made each book very expensive. Because Gutenberg's press could produce books quickly and with relatively little effort, bookmaking became much less expensive, allowing more people to buy reading material.  

The Demand for Books Grows

In the Middle Ages, books had been costly and education rare; only the clergy had been regular readers and owners of books. Most books had been written in Latin, considered the language of scholarship. In the Renaissance, the educated middle classes, who could now afford books, demanded works in their own languages. Furthermore, readers wanted a greater variety of books. Almanacs, travel books, chivalry romances, and poetry were all published at this time. Simultaneously, a means of printing music was also invented, making music available at a reasonable cost. As the demand for books grew, the book trade began to flourish throughout Europe, and industries related to it, such as papermaking, thrived as well. The result of all of this was a more literate populace and a stronger economy.
Humanism Emerges
Books also helped to spread awareness of a new philosophy that emerged when Renaissance scholars known as humanists returned to the works of ancient writers. Previously, during the Middle Ages, scholars had been guided by the teachings of the church, and people had concerned themselves with actions leading to heavenly rewards. The writings of ancient, pagan Greece and Rome, called the "classics," had been greatly ignored. To study the classics, humanists learned to read Greek and ancient Latin, and they sought out manuscripts that had lain undisturbed for nearly 2,000 years. 

The humanists rediscovered writings on scientific matters, government, rhetoric, philosophy, and art. They were influenced by the knowledge of these ancient civilizations and by the emphasis placed on man, his intellect, and his life on Earth. 


The Impact of the Printing Press : 


The printing press had dramatic effects on European civilization.  Its immediate effect was that it spread information quickly and accuratelyThis helped create a wider literate reading public However, its importance lay not just in how it spread information and opinions, but also in what sorts of information and opinions it was spreading.  There were two main directions printing took, both of which were probably totally unforeseen by its creators.

First of all, more and more books of a secular nature were printed, with especially profound results in scienceScientists working on the same problem in different parts of Europe especially benefited, since they could print the results of their work and share it accurately with a large number of other scientists.  They in turn could take that accurate, not miscopied, information, work with it and advance knowledge and understanding further.  Of course, they could accurately share their information with many others and the process would continue.  By the 1600's, this process would lead to the Scientific Revolution of the Enlightenment, which would radically alter how Europeans viewed the world and universe.

The printing press also created its share of trouble as far as some people were concerned.  It took book copying out of the hands of the Church and made it much harder for the Church to control or censor what was being written.  It was hard enough to control what Wycliffe and Hus wrote with just a few hundred copies of their works in circulation.  Imagine the problems the Church had when literally thousands of such works could be produced at a fraction of the cost.  Each new printing press was just another hole in the dyke to be plugged up, and the Church had only so many fingers with which to do the job.  It is no accident that the breakup of Europe's religious unity during the Protestant Reformation corresponded with the spread of printing.  The difference between Martin Luther's successful Reformation and the Hussites' much more limited success was that Luther was armed with the printing press and knew how to use it with devastating effect.

Some people go as far as to say that the printing press is the most important invention between the invention of writing itself and the computer.  Although it is impossible to justify that statement to everyone's satisfaction, one can safely say that the printing press has been one of the most powerful inventions of the modern era.  It has advanced and spread knowledge and molded public opinion in a way that nothing before the advent of television and radio in the twentieth century could rival.  If it were not able to, then freedom of the press would not be such a jealously guarded liberty as it is today.

New patterns of thought

Whether one sees the Renaissance as a period of originality or just drawing upon older cultures, it did generate four ideas that have been and still are central to Western Civilization: secularism, humanism, individualism, and skepticism.
  1. Secularism comes from the word secular, meaning of this world.  Medieval civilization had been largely concerned with religion and the next world.  The new economic and political horizons and opportunities that were opening up for Western Europe in the High and Late Middle Ages got people more interested in this world.  During the Renaissance people saw this life as worth living for its own sake, not just as preparation for the next world.  The art in particular exhibited this secular spirit, showing detailed and accurate scenery, anatomy, and nature, whereas medieval artists generally ignored such things since their paintings were for the glory of God.  This is not to say that Renaissance people had lost faith in God.  Religion was still the most popular theme for paintings.  But during the Renaissance people found other things worth living for besides the afterlife.

  2. Humanism goes along with secularism in that it makes human beings, not God, the center of attention.  The quotation at the top of this reading certainly emphasizes this point.  So did Renaissance art, which portrayed the human body as a thing of beauty in its own right, not like some medieval "comic strip" character whose only reason to exist was for the glory of God.  Along those lines, Renaissance philosophers saw humans as intelligent creatures capable of reason (and questioning authority) rather than being mindless pawns helplessly manipulated by God.  Even the term for Renaissance philosophers, "humanists", shows how the focus of peoples' attention had shifted from Heaven and God to this world and human beings.  It also described the group of scholars who drew upon the more secular Greek and Roman civilizations for inspiration.

  3. Individualism takes humanism a step further by saying that individual humans were capable of great accomplishments.  The more communal, group oriented society and mentality of the Middle Ages was giving way to a belief in the individual and his achievements.  The importance of this was that it freed remarkable individuals and geniuses, such as Leonardo da Vinci to live up to their potential without being held back by a medieval society that discouraged innovation.
    Besides the outstanding achievements of Leonardo, one sees individualism expressed in a wide variety of ways during the Renaissance.  Artists started signing their paintings, thus showing individualistic pride in their work.  Also, the more communal guild system was being replaced by the more individualistic system of capitalism, which encouraged private enterprise.

  4. Skepticism, which promoted curiosity and the questioning of authority, was largely an outgrowth of the other three Renaissance ideas.  The secular spirit of the age naturally put Renaissance humanists at odds with the Church and its purely religious values and explanations of the universe.  Humanism and individualism, with their belief in the ability of human reason, raised challenges to the Church's authority and theories, which in turn led to such things as the Protestant Reformation, the Age of Exploration and the Scientific Revolution, all of which would radically alter how Western Europe views the world and universe.  These four new ideas of secularism, humanism, individualism, and skepticism led to innovations in a variety of fields during the Renaissance, the most prominent being literature and learning, art, science, the Age of Exploration, and the Protestant Reformation.

Literature and learning

 Throughout, the Middle Ages were centered on the Church.  Consequently, most books were of a religious nature.  There were Greek and Roman texts stashed away in the monasteries, but few people paid much attention to them.  All that changed during the Renaissance.  For one thing, increased wealth and the invention of the printing press created a broader public that could afford an education and printed books.  Most of these newly educated people were from the noble and middle classes.  Therefore, they wanted a more practical and secular education and books to prepare them for the real world of business and politics. 
In response to this, new schools were set up to give the sons of nobles and wealthy merchants an education with a broader and more secular curriculum than the Church provided: philosophy, literature, mathematics, history, and politics.  Naturally much of the basis for this new curriculum was Greek and Roman culture.  Classical authors such as Demosthenes and Cicero were used to teach students how to think, write, and speak clearly.  Greek and Roman history were used to teach object lessons in politics.  This curriculum provided the skills and knowledge seen as essential for an educated man back then, and served as the basis for school curriculums well into the twentieth century.  Only in recent decades has a more technical education largely replaced the curriculum established for us in the Renaissance.

Along the same lines, a more secular literature largely replaced the predominantly religious literature of the Middle Ages.  History, as a study of the past (Greek and Roman past in particular) in order to learn lessons for the future, was emerging.  So was another emerging new discipline deeply rooted in history: political science.  The father of this discipline was Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527).  His treatise on governing techniques, The Prince, urges the prince to carry on with whatever ruthless means were at his disposal.  This serves as a stark contrast to St. Augustine's concept of the "just war."

Another book of a secular nature was Castiglione's The Courtier, which spelled out the ideal education and qualities of a nobleman attending a prince's court.  Unlike the usually illiterate and rough mannered medieval noble, Castiglione's courtier should be versed in manners (such as not cleaning one's teeth in public with one's finger).  This ideal of the well-rounded "Renaissance Man" hearkens back to the Greek ideal of a well-rounded man and has continued to this day.


Art is the one field most people associate with the Renaissance since it saw the most radical innovations and breaks with the Middle Ages.  Medieval art was religious in tone and for the glory of God.  As a result, artists neglected mundane details, thus making the art flat and lifeless.  Faces and bodies were cartoon like, having no individual features or anything approaching anatomical detail.  Other details such as background, perspective, proportion, and individuality were all virtually unknown. 
Renaissance art contrasted sharply with medieval art in all these respects.  More paintings were on secular themes, especially portraits.  And even the religious paintings paid a great deal of attention to glorifying the human form and accomplishments.  Starting with Giotto in the early 1300's, Renaissance artists increasingly perfected and used such things as background, perspective, proportion, and individuality.  In fact, Leonardo's detail was so good that botanists today can identify the kinds of plants he put into his paintings.

Although painting was especially prominent during the Renaissance, other art forms also flourished. For example, architecture broke somewhat with the medieval Gothic style during the Renaissance.  However, it was less innovative and relied more heavily on classical forms, in particular columns, arches, and domes as well as building on a massive scale.  Possibly the supreme example of this is the dome of St. Peter's in Rome which was designed by Michelangelo and towers 435 feet from the floor.  Music in the Renaissance saw developments that would later blossom into classical music.  Instruments were improved and the whole family of violins was developed.  Counterpoint (the blending of two melodies) and polyphony (interweaving several melodic lines) also emerged during this period.


Science saw little advancement, but it was also important for future developments.  In particular, classical authorities were discovered who contradicted Aristotle, whose works were accepted by the Church almost as gospel.  Finding conflicting authorities forced Renaissance humanists to ask questions that would lead to developing new theories, which in turn would lead to the birth of modern science in the 1600's and 1700's.

The Age of Exploration

The Age of Exploration also showed Renaissance ideas at work.  It was secular in its interest in the world.  It certainly displayed skepticism by challenging accepted ideas about the world.  And the fact that it pitted individual captains against the forces of nature shows it was both humanistic and individualistic.

The Protestant Reformation

The protestant reformation was one other result of the Italian Renaissance.  The spirit of skepticism challenged the authority of the Church, thus opening the way for much more serious challenge later posed by the Protestants.  The Protestant Reformation, in turn, would pave the way for new patterns of thought in social, political, economic, and scientific matters. 
The Italian Renaissance is generally seen as lasting until about 1500, when Italy's political disunity attracted a devastating round of wars and invasions that ended its most innovative cultural period.  However, in the process, the invaders took the ideas of the Italian Renaissance back to Northern Europe and sparked what is known as the Northern Renaissance.

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