Friday 28 October 2011

Proverbially Yours//Message & Interpretation // Research


Proverb : "two wrongs don't make a right" 

Two wrongs make a right is a logical fallacy that occurs when it is assumed that if one wrong is committed, another wrong will cancel it out. This statement is seen as true to some people because 2 negatives indeed make a positive in math (3-(-3)= 3+3). However, a person with common sense would know that two wrongs don't make a right.
  • Speaker A: You shouldn't embezzle from your employer. It's against the law.
  • Speaker B: My employer cheats on their taxes. That's against the law, too!
The unstated premise is that breaking the law (the wrong) is justified, as long as the other party also does so. It is often used as a red herring, or an attempt to change or distract from the issue. For example:
  • Speaker A: President Williams lied in his testimony to Congress. He should not do that.
  • Speaker B: But you are ignoring the fact that President Roberts lied in his Congressional testimony! 


I thought this was quite a humorous look on the proverb. Its simple and effective. I will experiment with ideas like this.

 I thought this t-shirt was pretty funny its quite clever, the typography is terrible I feel but the concept it still pretty good.

I quite like the idea of the road sign being incorporated into my design. Road signs are something everyone looks. They are simple bold and memorable. Colour plays a huge importance too. The image above is a take on the proverb.

Imagery Research
I looked at how I could symbolise right and wrong using imagery. Sticking with the concept of road signs and making the right decisions along life's road or journey. I imediatley thought about wrong turn  and the signs that represent this. Obviously the right turn sign could reprents Right Desicions.


Here are some examples of work that I feel is relevant to my work:
 Coffee and Doughnuts by I love doodle

I really like this print. The illustration style is brilliant. I really like the colours used in this piece. The image is humourous and playful. The blue works well.
Olly Moss
 The work of Olly Moss is really interesting. I like his take on the well known Keep Calm Posters. The font and layout works well in this portrait format.
Here is another example of typography I like, the composition of the piece works well. I like the sizing of the font it draws you in closer and closer. 
Design Times Issue by Radio
This image is really bold and eye catching, The shapes are simple and recognizable. The colour scheme works really well. I will definitely play around with these colours.
Here are some simple signs I like the look of. The black and white make the signs legible and bold. I like the simple use of shapes and type.

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